Monday, April 30, 2012

It's all in the Packaging!

Alrighty, so as you all know my Baby Sis is getting married and the next party on the list is her Personal Shower. I thought I'd  share this cute idea of how to ditch those ordinary gift bags and use something a little more Sophisticated and Functional.

You know those cute decorative boxes you always see at places like Hobby Lobby, Joanne Fabric and Marshall's' you think are so cute but have no idea what to put in them? Well, I think i just solved your dilemma.

Decorative Boxes!

Sorry for the pixilated images, all I have is an iPhone for a camera :-( but I promise you the end product looks great! :-) Just try it for yourself!                                                                                                                              

This is a cute way to give a gift that keeps on giving. Love this idea and can't wait for the next decorative box to give away! 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'll take 2 Birds Please!!

After getting married in July, Dave and I moved into our home in August of 2012. Of course the fun starts! DECORATING!!!! Now that a couple months have passed since August the living room is almost done, But I felt like i needed something to give it a little character, especially since spring is coming.

While shopping a few months back I saw these cute little garden birds that I was thinking of buying.  I Quickly put that thought out of my mind because ... well lets face it who wants a ceramic bird in their house??!! Well, come to think of it, I WANTED THE CERAMIC BIRD IN MY HOUSE! After realizing they'd be a great addition with the spring/summer season coming I quickly ran back to Michael's to see if the birds were still there.  And they were!!! SCORE! I bought them right away for a total of about 8 bucks! Cheap, Simple, and Easy just what I like!  

And HERE THEY ARE! Love these 2 new additions to the home decor! 

Here are a couple other Ceramic animals you can use to bring some character into your home! 

Ceramic Grayhound
Ceramic Horse head (upper left hand corner)

Ceramic yellow Pig
Ceramic Rhino
The key to having these cute animals in your home is to make sure they are solid in color and simple in design and structure. This will help keep a modern feel to your home and keep it from looking gawdy.

Hope you enjoyed this little idea of inspiration. Let me know if you find any cute animal ceramics for your home!

Monday, April 16, 2012

A Spot of Roses!

So Yay me for my first official blog post! My life is quite simple but every so often my urge to create takes over and results in a Creatively Simple Life :-) I'm excited to share my ideas and sparks of creativity I find throughout my journey.

So, the first creative nugget i'll drop is my easy and cute idea for a bridal shower centerpiece! 
My Baby sis is getting married! 

< Me and Baby Sis ... well not so much "baby" sis anymore! :*-(
As Matron of Honor, my first task was to plan a beautifully fantastic Bridal Shower! Mind you I have never planned a Bridal Shower before, especially on a pretty "Petite Budget." 

Baby Sis's requests: 

  • Asian Themed Decor .... really?
  • AND ... Ramen Noodle Salad ... huh? ... Well ... i love my Asian Roots but let me say this again Huh? .... if y'all know me ... which you probably don't right now since this is my very FIRST POST, my style is very different from Baby sis. So, in an attempt to introduce her love for Asian themes and my simple but elegant ideas i choose to go the route of tea party!  
So first things first, Centerpieces! One of the bridesmaids mom's collects tea pots and cups so i saved quite a bit of money by just re-purposing the tea cups and pots as vases :-) With a little bit of white hydrangea (spray painted light pink at no extra cost), roses, and variegated pit, Voila! Cuteness Galore! 

I had extra flowers so i put them in these cute little tea cups :-) i'm in Love with this cup and saucer ensemble!!!

With Spring and Summer just around the corner try using this idea to spruce up your home for the new season. Use tea pots/ cups around your home (or buy one at the thrift store for a vintage look at a low cost), fill it with flowers from the garden :-) Simply Lovely!  

More cute ideas and inspirations to come!