Monday, April 30, 2012

It's all in the Packaging!

Alrighty, so as you all know my Baby Sis is getting married and the next party on the list is her Personal Shower. I thought I'd  share this cute idea of how to ditch those ordinary gift bags and use something a little more Sophisticated and Functional.

You know those cute decorative boxes you always see at places like Hobby Lobby, Joanne Fabric and Marshall's' you think are so cute but have no idea what to put in them? Well, I think i just solved your dilemma.

Decorative Boxes!

Sorry for the pixilated images, all I have is an iPhone for a camera :-( but I promise you the end product looks great! :-) Just try it for yourself!                                                                                                                              

This is a cute way to give a gift that keeps on giving. Love this idea and can't wait for the next decorative box to give away! 

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